Yaba TV Los Angeles is a multi-cultural show that fits the fabric of Southern California and has acquired millions of viewers from around the world. Established in December of 1992 by its founder Elizabeth Sia-Sia Yaba, a native of Sierra Leone. The Television show had humble beginnings, while Sia-Sia was attended Long Beach City College and Berkeley College. She began training with Continental Cablevision for two years as producer and host and used her skill set to organized and develop the Los Angeles Multiculture Television show.
Los Angeles Councilman Bernard Parks and the former late President of Ghana, Jerry Rawlings. President Rawlings visited Los Angeles in November of 1995, which drew millions of viewers and many advertisers. Today Yaba TV Los Angeles can be viewed on K-Cal 9 Los Angeles weekly on Sundays at 4:00pm and Sia-Sia hosting Yaba Radio on 94.7 the Wave Los Angeles on Sunday morning at 6:30am time slot.
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